
Mami called her first cup of coffee mi taza de entendimiento, my cup of understanding. I gave up coffee in 1998, and I’ve missed that acrid sweet bite on my tongue every morning, especially the first sip when brain fog starts to lift. In this year of restraint and solitude, I started drinking coffee again.

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Eggshells and Kim Abeles

Abeles writes:
We tend to simplify our relationships with her, always referring back to an incident or series of effects that hang on the shoulder like a yoke. As adults, we imagine a chance to reframe a new portrait for her with warm and fuzzy edges. I am not asking the writers and artists in the show to address their ill-feelings in public, but I am thinking about complex connections that were forged in the past. In this way, we might observe a multi-dimensional impression rather than hiding out in our memories.

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Words Matter

Since then, I have had the deepest, most feminist, political, openhearted and beautiful conversations of my life. Often, these are random conversations with strangers or acquaintances. A shared humanity of choosing not to normalize what we know to be against core values of human decency. So we speak and we march. We knit and crochet. We make phone calls and we write postcards. We make art. We laugh and make jokes. We say over and over again- “I can’t stay silent.”

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