I’ve been obsessing on Lola’s obsessiveness. Especially the role obsession has on making art. When I was in Patricia Yossen’s studio, I saw a torn piece of paper on her wall, handwritten in pencil: Dale más lugar a la obsesión. Make more room for obsession.
Read More“Lola influenced my art practice more than any famous artist or movement” states Argentinian artist Patricia Yossen.
Read MoreAbeles writes:
We tend to simplify our relationships with her, always referring back to an incident or series of effects that hang on the shoulder like a yoke. As adults, we imagine a chance to reframe a new portrait for her with warm and fuzzy edges. I am not asking the writers and artists in the show to address their ill-feelings in public, but I am thinking about complex connections that were forged in the past. In this way, we might observe a multi-dimensional impression rather than hiding out in our memories.
On November 19, one of my dearest friends, Doran George, died suddenly of a heart attack. It’s still confusing and will always be heartbreaking. As with the sudden loss of all full-of-life humans, it’s freakin’ hard to conceive that Doran does not inhabit this realm.
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